Die PNN schreibt…
Ein toller Artikel, erschienen in der heutigen “Potsdamer Neueste Nachrichten”, in dem noch mal alles sehr schön zusammengefasst wird! Vielen Dank an Jana Haase für die Möglichkeit und die schönen Zeilen! Zu finden hier: www.pnn.de/campus/304451/ Edit: Einer unser wichtigsten Unterstützer ist natürlich die TRP Bau GmbH und nicht die “THP…”! Wir bitten diesen Fehler zu...
Live is live!
It was nice to be on air again, we really enjoyed it and in a few we will publish the recording of the show, that you guys outside are able to listen to the show as well, in case you missed it! Yours faithfully, safe and sound team!
Today we are invited to talk about “safe and sound – music for future” in the show “Dschungelfieber” at the radio station “Funkhaus Europa”! It starts at 11pm and you can here it live on radio frequency 96,3 UKW. For live streaming, click here: Stream Funkhaus Europa We are excited! www.funkhauseuropa.de Dschungelfieber mit Johannes Theurer...
Story Teller @ Lindenpark Potsdam!
Thanks again for the great opportunity to be guests at the “Story Teller” venue. It was a really nice atmosphere and an interesting discussion about the project and our time in Belize last Wednesday. Hopefully we can repeat an evening like this as soon as possible. We are still working on the project, to reach...
WE DID IT! The free CD distribution started and our final venue was a big success! Time was flying and it is almost time for us to go home. We had a really great time, it was amazing to see how our project developed, but anyway, we are still not realizing at all that we...
What a long night…
We are tired, but anyway, there is still a lot of work waiting… Our show on Hamalali was real fun, big thanks to Method and Emo! After that, we were starting to prepare our CDs, nothing more to say about that, just have a look… Big thanks to LENA, PETER and the one and only...
Live @ Hamalali Garinagu!
Tonight we will be live on air on the “NGC Radio – Hamalali Garinagu 100.1 F.M.” radio station! It will start at 7pm… JOIN US! www.griganet.com